Learn from chickens.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Baby Thomas
The technology these days are so advance and this is the picture taken from inside the womb. Looks so real. Some 3D ultrascan technology. Cool.
Congratulations Dad and Sallie :)
Achmed [Ach -flem-med]
This comedian is very funny. I like the way he makes the puppets funnier than him and he seems to be some boring guy. Please do not show this to Bin Laden, he is already complaining about comic strips if he sees this he will have a heart attack hehehe :)
Santa Achmed, hope he doesn't visit you for Christmas. Hehehehe. Silence, I KILL U!!!
For the love of the dance
This is a very touching video that proves that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. I first noticed the guy without a leg before I notice the girl did not have a hand. Do not limit yourselves, do what you love!!
Wide Camera
Olympus makes really good adds. They focus more on the fetuares. As you can see this ad is about how wide the wife is, oh sorry I mean the lense. Hahaha :) I really wonder how wide is wide on that camera.